november 19, 2013

Finally, Based On A True Story

The first time I saw you, I felt like I was in my daydream
But when you looked at me, I felt like I wasn't in my daydream for the second time
It's totally real..
I started to think about him all days all nights
What's his name, I was talking to myself in front of his gone
Months by months
Someday, in the middle age of 2010 I've know all about him
Super big surprise! He is my relatives.
I didn't think about that, carry on
So just like a detective, walked the ways he stepped
That day I started to talk to him
A simply conversation I did..words that flew in my chatting bubble
Scrolling down carefully, smiling crazily, I can't apologize all what I have done. Rude
In the end of 2010, he was coming to my homecity
My aunt introduce me to him, like I was in  my daydream as usual
We went everywhere, spent all the time together
ice creams, chocolates, fireworks, messages, smiles, angers, loves, cries
We swam, laughed, walked together, ran, were thanking each other's kindness
Not too far, when Jan begin to walk...
No prince and so princess
He left me without a word
That was my bitter-sweet moment
It was suck. I hate loving the wrong person

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